Rachel Bean, RCVS Veterinary Nurse with 17 years experience, returns by popular demand with this practical and theory based workshop covering:
- Primary survey
- Artificial respiration
- Shock
- Choking
- Burns
- Wound recognition
- Bleeding & pressure dressings
- Bites, stings & ticks
- Broken nails/ nail trim
- Secondary survey
- Road traffic accidents
Using real dogs for bandaging technique practice and 'Casper' the resuscitation model for CPR training, participants will get a certificate of attendance & accompanying course notes.
Please note that this course is for human attendees only. Please don't bring your dog with you unless specifically requested to do so.
£45.00 per person, payable via cheque/BACS. Please contact Dawn Ash to arrange payment on nolongerdoghouse@gmail.com or 07727 603806
Registration with tea/coffee refreshments will be from 10am, ready for a prompt 10.30am start and we expect to finish at 3pm. Please bring a packed lunch/snacks as required.